Best Combat Mods Skyrim Average ratng: 4,5/5 8847 votes

Not gonna lie, when I delved into the world of Skyrim once again, this time in stunning virtual reality, it left me somewhat disappointed. In this article I’m going to show you what mods to download to crank up the fun! In this article you’ll find descriptions and links of mods that will change you play the game, see the game, and feel the game. Let’s get ready to make Skyrim VR 1,000% more fun!15) The Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition PatchFor veterans of the Skyrim modding community, this should be a familiar name. Considered an essential mod by many, this “mod” is actually a patch created by Unofficial Patch Project Team. In a few words, it makes the game better. It fixes bugs that Bethesda has chosen to ignore, tweaks some things that don’t make a whole lot of sense, and just makes the game more enjoyable in general.Some features of this mod include:.

  1. Skyrim Se Fighting Mods
  2. Skyrim Ultimate Combat
  3. Best Combat Mods Skyrim Special Edition

No information is available for this page.Learn why. As the title states, what animations- whether a single file or a compilation of different files maintain stability while giving Skyrim a new violent vibe? Im really asking for the more manly combat animations, as I play a male PC in this game. Ive tried a couple of combinations from other mods, b.

Hundreds of changes to quests, NPCs, items, and many other things that don’t work quite right. No drastic changes such as deleting original objects. Compatible with almost all other mods for SkyrimBefore any other mods on this list, I would suggest downloading this one, it will make your Skyrim adventure considerably better. You can get the mod14) Enhanced Blood TexturesWhat’s more satisfying than chopping down Imperial Guards and Dragons in Virtual Reality? If your answer was anything other than more blood, you’re probably more sane than I am. For my fellow psychopaths out there, this is the mod for you!This mod allows you to:.

Customize the detail, splatter size, and even color of your enemies’ blood. Adjust the values to your heart’s content with the extremely intuitive sliders in the mod’s menuIf this is not where your mind goes when you think of fun, keep reading I promise there’s something on this list for you.

You can get the mod. 13) VR Combat EnhancedOne of my main discontents in Skyrim VR was the shoddy melee combat that was implemented. It was bad enough that I mainly found myself using magic or bows for most of my playthroughs. On a side note, being able to aim your bow and draw back each arrow with your own two hands feels epic in a way I cannot describe in words, that is until you miss because you’re the worst archer in Skyrim. Back to the topic, this mod fixes nearly all of my complaints about duking it out hand to hand with your enemies.With this mod, you can:.

Feel each hit you dish out or take through controller vibration and camera shake. Wreak havoc on your opponents by disarming their weapons or shields depending on the power of your stroke. See the effects of each blow as your opponents stagger or fall to one knee if you hit them hard enoughThis mod makes you feel like a proper hero as you chop down villains left and right or the other way around if you’re honor is so inclined. You can get the mod12) Ultimate CombatYes. Another combat mod, because if you find something more entertaining than fighting tooth and nail for your life in this game I would very much like to know about it.

This mod focuses less on the immersion of the combat, and more on the features. It takes your generic hack and slash brawl session and transforms it into a tactical fight for survival as you must observe your opponents’ moves and react accordingly.This mod adds:. Timed parrying and blocking to fend off your adversary’s attacks. Increased headshot damage for our sharpshooters out there and decreased damage to extremities, if you’re not the greatest archer in Tamriel, like me.

Damage bonuses based on speed and direction. And many other features I don’t have time to list hereYou can look at all the changes and get the mod. 11) Cloaks of SkyrimNeed I say more?

What better way to feel even cooler whilst chopping down your enemies and galloping though the land on your horse than with a majestic cloak wrapped around your shoulders. Whether you’re a hero or a villain, everyone needs a cape.In the game, you’ll find:. Over 100 new types of cloaks, each one able to be enchanted and resist the cold, if you want a mod that makes you cold that is.

(Why would you?). Cloaks specific to factions, locational loot, and craftingThis mod is perfect if you’ve ever wanted to add a bit of flair to your armor while you stand on a mountain of the slain enemies left in your wan tan trail of destruction. Get the mod10) The Notice BoardWhat’s fun about angrily stomping about the city looking for a new side quest to further deter you from slaying the might Alduin? Nothing, that’s what.

Nothing is more frustrating in Skyrim than hitting a dead end because you’re tired of chasing around quests in all corners of Tamriel. Luckily, it seems the tavern keeps have put up a nifty notice board, so you can more easily fulfill their every whim.No need to run anymore, now you can:. Saunter up to your nearest tavern and take a peep at the quests availableDone. Have fun with your newly streamlined adventures! 9) Immersive CitizensHow many times have you shot a Whiterun guard only to have him forget about you and go about his patrol with no acknowledgement but the phrase “Huh, guess it was nothing?” If you’ve ever played Skyrim the count should be in the hundreds. Quirks like this are present in almost all NPCs in the game and it has the ability to completely destroy your immersion. This mod repairs these bugs and makes your gameplay experience much more believable and enjoyable.Enjoy these following tweaks to NPC behaviors:.

Mass effect 3 romance mod. More realistic dialogue and behavior adjustments to NPC AI. A new feature called Survival Instinct that allows NPCs to more accurately assess threats and danger levels and react accordingly.

Different NPCs have different modifiers depending on their status that dictates how they behave in combatSo, if you’d like more intelligent company, yes I’m talking to you Lydia, as you traverse the realm in your adventure, you can download this mod. 8) Vivid Weather Definitive EditionNothing is more epic than climbing a frigid peak with the stinging snow raging in your face as you struggle to surmount the crag before you. Weather can greatly impact the immersion and illusion of reality in a cinematic experience, and that’s exactly what this mod makes Skyrim VR, an absolute masterpiece.

It creates an environment different from anything you’ve ever seen, even if you’ve played this game a thousand times.This mod revamps the graphics of almost all circumstances of the world through the following features:. More than 500 new weather systems for rain, snow, or whatever else you may encounter in your journey.

Completely revamped and adjustable color system that changes how you see the world around you. Enhanced God Rays and lens flare. And many other incredible featuresView the entire mod description and download it for yourself. 7) Immersive ArmorsNo matter how many times I relent to the desire to delve back into the dungeons of Skyrim once again, I always find myself back in the same old Daedric Armor at the end of every playthrough. Now you can gallivant through the land in bigger and badder armor than ever before with more choices than you could ever imagine.Slay the game in style with these new items:. Almost 60 new armor sets and even more helmets and other clothing items.

Over 2,500 new items total. A fully customizable mod menu that allows you to make the mod experience what you desireNow you can hack down your enemies with tougher armor and look even more stylish while doing it, all you gotta do is download the mod. 6) Custom Favorites Menu VRThis mod doesn’t affect gameplay, but it is almost essential to your VR experience. It streamlines the GUI to make it more accessible inside your little world of virtual reality.

One of my major gripes about the base game is that it is nigh impossible to quickly and efficiently navigate the menus.This mod eliminates these issues by implementing the following:. Bigger text and more centered menus mean easier access to the features you need fast. Support for many mods, including the Immersive Armors mod that was previously mentioned on this listThis mod is crucial in combat by allowing you easier access to favorite weapons spells, and other valuable tools in your fights. Get the mod5) Scoped Bows SE and Scoped Bows VR RemixBack when I still played Skyrim on a mouse and keyboard with a monitor to look at, primitive I know, Scoped Bows was one of my favorite mods. Now, with the VR Remix, it has been brought beautifully into Virtual Reality for our enjoyment. You’ll feel like a proper sniper, sitting in the bushes and lying in wait for your prey with a scoped bow to more accurately gun down your opponents.This mod adds:.

Scoped variants of bows previously included in the game, as well as several new, unique bows. Tweaks that increase arrow speed, increase the effects of the Eagle Eye perk, and the position of the stealth meter iconBe a true warrior of the shadows with this game changing mod. Get the base mod here and the VR remix.

4) Imperious RacesWhen I’m picking my race at the start of each playthrough, it always seems like a difficult choice. Then I remember, oh yeah, it doesn’t matter.

The races of Skyrim, although they look diverse, really don’t make a huge difference in gameplay. This mod adds new and incredible perks specific to each race.This mod makes these changes:. Adds 3 passive abilities and 1 unlockable power for each race.

Adjusted racial attributes for better immersionView each of the races’ new attributes and abilities and get the mod. 3) RavengateFor those of you that played Oblivion, the greatest game of all time, you remember the glory of fighting through the arena and emerging champion. Now you can relive that experience in the glorious immersion of virtual reality. Provided you’re level 5 or higher and have murdered someone in cold blood, you’ll receive a message inviting you to the grand illegal prizefights in the Riften Underground.In this brand-new adventure, you’ll find:. 14 fully voice acted characters with their own personalities. A brand new underground area to explore.

Unique rewards given to you to reward your performance in the arenaProve yourself and achieve treasure you won’t find anywhere else in this exciting new activity in the world of Skyrim. 2) Immersive WeaponsCrafted by the same connoisseurs that are responsible for the Immersive Armors mod, this mod fills out the sorely lacking weapons department in Skyrim VR. Now you can hack, slash, spear, and do whatever else you can think of to dispatch your enemies in style.Up your game with the following additions:. 21 new weapon archetypes and over 200 new weapons to play with. The ability to smelt weapons down to base components. Custom crafting requirements such as requiring a certain quest completionAttack your enemies with new ferocity with your newly boosted arsenal.

1) JK's SkyrimThis mod’s tagline is “an Enhanced Skyrim Awaits.” Indeed, it does. Although adjustments of the towns and holds of Skyrim doesn’t seem like that big of change, it completely changes the way you play the game.

Aside from changing the towns appearances themselves, it changes the dynamics of how alliances and relationships change throughout the Civil War. Towns that you were once welcome at, you may be turned away at the gate or attacked on sight a fortnight later.This mod changes the world of Skyrim by:. Overhauling the appearance and atmosphere of each major city and town in the land of Skyrim. New vendors and structures in each town to make it seem more alive and vibrant.

Shifting allegiances based on your own choices in the game resulting in new banners and guardsTest your strategic mind as you try to keep track of who are friends, and who are foes.

Skyrim came out in late 2011, but a strong modding community and dedicated fanbase have kept the game alive and fresh for all this time. My priority with this list will be mods that significantly change or improve the gameplay of Skyrim or add quality of life features that are must haves to improve your enjoyment of the game. Let's face it; an eight-year-old game isn't going to draw you back in time after time with minor tweaks, you want something that changes your entire experience. Best Mods For Skyrim Special EditionTo that end, let's get started with an honorable mention: Skyrim Special Edition Script ExtenderThis is an honorable mention not because it's not good enough to make the list, but because calling it a simple mod does SKSE a disservice. It is not an exaggeration to say that the modding scene for Skyrim would probably be dead without this software.

To put it in simple terms, SKSE vastly increases the number of things modders can do to affect the game, and most (if not all) of the mods on this list would not exist without SKSE's creation. OrdinatorOrdinator is my preferred perk overhaul for Skyrim.


I've played with a few others, primarily T3ndo's Perkus Maximus (a follow up to his popular Skyrim Redone, or SkyRe) but I keep coming back to Enai Siaion's Ordinator. It allows far more build diversity and interesting character archetypes than the game's vanilla perk system.

Let's face it; most of Skyrim's perks are boring. +X% to damage or efficiency is the name of the game for almost every perk. Ordinator fixes this by baking the necessary damage boosts largely into a single scaling perk, with any further damage boosts coming from actually performing actions in combat that will have special effects. Ordinator is one of the mods I never turn off on any playthrough. Apocalypse: Magic of SkyrimThis is another mod from Enai Siaion. I could probably make a list like this with just his mods; most are that good.

From Andromeda (his standing stone overhaul) to Sacrosanct (the vampire overhaul) to the new Wintersun (a religion mod that rewards worship) and more, there's a reason why 'Enairim' is a semi-common term in the fandom. But all of those have one thing in common: they're fairly niche mods. I don't use all of them in every playthrough, so I feel they don't quite make the cut in an overall best list of this type even though they are all excellent (save Magic of the Magna Ge, in my opinion).But Apocalypse? I never uninstall this mod.

It fixes another massive issue with Skyrim: spells are boring. And weak, a lot of the time.There is a small number of simple effects that are repeated throughout the game. For Destruction, damage (in the fire, ice, and electricity flavors) is all you get. Calm, Frenzy, and Fear are the only Illusion spells. Apocalypse adds a huge number of new spells, many being either playstyle defining or quality of life magic stuff that should have been in the game from the start. A zone that nullifies falling damage, a spell that summons a number of useful items (Enchanting Tables, beds, even a bridge), increased movement speed while channeling (essentially draining Magicka for a 'magic sprint' instead of Stamina), and that's just a small sample fo the spells from one discipline: Alteration.Every other school has something similar and makes each spellcasting specialist different and interesting.

A must-have for most players. Open CitiesSimilar to Enai Siaion, Arthmoor is a very prolific modder who gets to occupy three spots on this list.

Skyrim Se Fighting Mods

Open Cities is the lesser of the three, but I think it adds a lot to the game in very subtle ways.In simple terms, Open Cities moves every city in Skyrim directly into the world space. No more loading through doors just to get into Whiterun, you open the door, it swings open, and you walk through.

Or hop the wall if you're capable, it doesn't matter. This ups immersion in a huge way, and cuts the number of loading screens you need to see by a huge amount. It's not an impact you'll ever consciously notice which is the point. It just makes the game better in little ways.

Alternate Start: Live Another LifeSkyrim's start is so iconic that it's become a meme. That doesn't mean you can't get tired of seeing it.ASLAL lets you skip the opening sequence with Ralof and your near-miss execution, make your character right off the bat, and jump into any number of starts.

From a wealthy merchant, poor homeowner, or just starting directly in one of the guilds around Skyrim (including the Dawnguard or Volkihar Vampires!) you can get straight to the stuff you want to do far faster, and never hear 'You're not gonna kill meee! Ever again if you don't want to. The Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition PatchNot strictly an Arthmoor jam, but he's a prominent contributor to it. The manifesto of this mod is simple: crush all the bugs in Skyrim. Which there are a lot of.This is a must-have mod unless you like broken questlines and nonstandard game overs in your experience. Oblivion had a lot of fun bugs that I didn't mind leaving in, but Skyrim's bugs were never so benign as its predecessor. This mod (and the distinct versions for each of the DLC) make the game a less frustrating experience in every way.

Mortal EnemiesThis mod is so simple and yet changes the game by so much.All it does is make enemies turn slow, and have smaller cones to their weapon swings. It sounds like a small change, but the impact is huge.Moving around your enemy is now a viable tactic. They don't instantly swivel to face you, and can't hit you while you're far off to the side or behind them. This makes dodging attacks possible, and hugely increases your tactical options in combat.

It is also a recommended mod for the next one: Dodge ModExactly what it says on the tin. You hit a button and dodge in the direction you're currently moving. Kind of worthless by itself, since enemies have such large swings and perfect tracking. But with Mortal Enemies and the final mod below, you get the ability to play a slightly more action Skyrim.

Skyrim Ultimate Combat

Plus it's fun to see enemies somersault or backflip to avoid your attacks, too. Ultimate CombatUltimate Combat is a mod with emphasis on increasing options in combat and the actions enemies take. AI tactics are improved (enemies will protect fallen allies, heal more frequently, etc.) and positional and movement factors are taken into account.The list of features is long, but suffice it to say it makes a lot of small, needed changes to Skyrim's combat system that stop it from being a simple 'smack the bad guy, get smacked back, tank damage until I win' fight. Lethality is higher, there is positional damage (hitting an enemy in the arm does less damage but debilitates, and similar effects for every part of the body), and strafing backward to kite the enemy is a good way to take a charging power attack to the face for 150% extra damage and die instantly.And that's it for now. These are my most frequently used mods, and some of the best around. I have 169 mods on my list and counting so that I couldn't name all of them, but installing these will give you a good idea of what my version of Skyrim looks like.

Best Combat Mods Skyrim Special Edition

Now get out there and slay some dragons!

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