Sebastian Hook Real Name Average ratng: 4,6/5 1603 votes

You took my son, but I will get him back!Baelfire, nicknamed Bae, is one of the of. The son of the, Bae was unhappy with his father's evil ways and sought passage to a new land, one without magic.

Sebastian's is a charming hotel on British Virgin Islands. Located on a luxurious, white sand beach in Little Apple Bay on Tortola's North Shore. Connected with being the name of a medieval martyr in the third-century, Sebastian was favored for several fictional characters ranging from Shakespeare to Disney. And those characters were strong and sometimes even seen as heroes, so.

He attempted to travel there alongside his father via magic bean but Rumple cowered out at the last second and Bae was forced into the new land alone. On the other side of the portal, after a heavily extended trip to, Bae assumed the name Neal Cassidy, a lowlife thief who went on to fall in love with and unknowingly become the father of. Ultimately, however, Neal died when he traded in his own life to save his father's, wanting his son to know that he was a hero in the end. His wish was fulfilled, and his soul was able to spend eternity in a.

What happened to you?meets his son, Baelfire, and makes a promise. (')is seen sewing together a baby blanket for her unborn baby when her husband, walks into their hut to tell her that he has been selected to fight in the Ogres War, much to his excitement. When at war, Rumple encounters a who predicts that he shall have a son but that his actions during war shall make his son fatherless. Rumple decides not to believe her, but when one of her more minor predictions comes true, he fears is life for the sake of his unborn son and injures himself in order to be sent him.

Rumple arrives home with a limp to find that Milah is holding their baby, he asks his name, and she tells him that it's Baelfire. Rumple is glad that his son has a strong name and Milah states that he'll need one if he's Rumple's son, knowing what he did to be sent home as rumors spread fast from the front line. She accuses her husband of cowardice and says that their son shall be condemned to live in shame throughout his life, but Rumple doesn't accept this; explaining he deserted so their son wouldn't grow up without his father like his own did. He holds Baelfire and assures him that his 'papa' is there and will never leave him. (')Bae is cured of his ailments at the expense of. (')When Baelfire is bitten by a venomous snake, and take the creature to a magical healer named so that he can educate them about their son's condition.

He reveals that Bae will be dead within a day, but has a magic potion that should be able to cure him of his ailment. It costs a hundred gold coins, and Rumple and Milah have no way of amounting this kind of money; as such, Milah orders her husband to return to Fendrake later and take the potion. Rumple points out that he'd be killed, but Milah simply tells him to kill Fendrake first, proceeding to spend their final gold coin on a knife. Rumple is terrified of the prospect and Milah begs him to toughen up, flirting with a pirate named behind her husband's back. Rumple eventually attempts going through with the murder, accidentally waking Fendrake in his sleep when he's about to stab him.

Unable to go through with murder, Rumple strikes a deal with the healer - in exchange for the ailment, he has to give up his second born, which he agrees to. Bae is healed, but Milah is appalled by what Rumple did, seeing it as him signing away whatever future she may have had. She then heads to the tavern, which becomes a common occurrence. (')and his son go find.

('), Baelfire's father, comes home to discover that, Baelfire's mother, isn't home. He knows where to look for her and tells Bae to come with him to collect his mother. They arrive at a bar and Rumple tells Bae to stay outside as he goes in and finds Milah having drinks with pirates. One in particular, ridicules Rumple based on what Milah has told him, based upon him being a coward. Baelfire walks in and sees his mother like his, and Rumple reminds his son that he was meant to stay outside. Milah is shocked to see him there and discretely stands up and leaves the bar with her son, not wanting him to see her as she is. The next day, Milah is 'taken' by the pirates and Rumplestiltskin is unable to get her back, he therefore tells Baelfire that his mother is dead.

(')Baelfire is horrified by what his has become. (')Years later, another Ogre Wars occurs. One of Baelfire's friends, turns fourteen, the right age to be forcibly entered into the Ogre Wars using the magic. Bae warns his about this and the two fear for the former's safety, as he will soon be turning fourteen. The two attempt to escape in the night but they're found by the guards who take the children to war.

As punishment for abandonment, they threaten to take Baelfire before he is fourteen, but they're stopped when Rumplestiltskin begs and kisses the boot. An old beggar notices the father and son's issue so he tells them of a dagger that can kill the Dark One, passing his magical powers to his killer.

After learning the dagger is under possession of the Duke of the Frontlands, Rumple and Bae create a fire that burns down his castle. Before the fire destroys the castle, Rumple steals the dagger and escapes with it. He later kills the Dark One, Zoso, who turns out to be the old beggar the whole time and tricked Rumple into saving him from living forever. When Baelfire's fourteenth birthday comes, the guards come to collect him in the morning, but they're stopped when Rumplestiltskin kills them all.

Baelfire is horrified by his father's new magical abilities and evilness. (')Despite his father's wishes, Bae succumbs to darkness. (')With his brand new dark powers in tow, marches single-handedly into battle and kills all of the ogres using the magic, then leading all the children home.

With the Ogre War over, Rumple is hailed as a hero by the people of his village, as well as by Bae, only for a soldier named to interrupt the celebrations with cries that the cowardly Rumple made himself into the Dark One, the former clearly being jealous he's not the one receiving all this glory. Bae convinces his father not to use his magic, for he's done what he needed to do now, and Rumple promises that he won't. He keeps his promise, though the people of the village still fear him, with a baker's son teasing Bae and pushing him into the mud so that he'll look like a monster, just like his father. As Rumple sets off to deal with it, the village people come to beg him to help defeat the Grendel, which Beowulf set out to defeat days ago with no word from him.

Bae sees this as a perfect opportunity to prove to everyone that his father isn't a monster by slaying this beast without his dark magic, but Rumple brings his dagger anyway - it's like his new crutch. He gives it to Bae to prevent himself using dark magic and, when they make it to the monster's cave, they learn there is no monster; Beowulf faked the whole thing to frame Rumple as villainous.

He takes the dagger, only for Bae to take it back. Beowulf states that no one will believe either of them because of their fear of Rumple, something the father and son pair agree on, goes back to tell them. Bae commands his papa to kill the fiend before he ruins their lives. Rumple reluctantly does this, and Bae becomes. Not wanting his son to follow after him into the darkness, Rumple slips a memory potion in Baelfire's tea.

His son wakes up and when he finds Beowulf's sword, he learns his father killed him and starts to believe Rumple is a monster too because of that dagger's influence. (')Bae is angry that his didn't give him a choice. (')returns home with a gift for his son: a knife that he took from one of the villagers who didn't have enough money to pay him. Baelfire, who refuses to accept a gift that came from someone his father terrorized, dismisses the present and goes on to say that what would make him happy is leaving the hovel they live in.

Rumple offers to have a castle built, but Bae says that this isn't what he meant, explaining that he wants to go out into the real world and have a proper life beyond the four walls he's confined to; Bae accuses Rumple of being scared that, once he leaves, he'll never come back. That night, Bae is led away by mysterious music played by a piper dressed in pied. Because of this, he ends up dancing around a campfire in a mask with all the other who have been snatched away. Rumple soon tracks him and demands that the piper, let his son go, and Pan offers Rumple a deal: if Rumple asks Baelfire to go home with him and he accepts the offer, then he can go. However, if Bae refuses, then Pan will take him to, a place from which he shall never return. The Dark One approaches his son and, instead, of taking Pan's deal, simply uses his magic to transport them safely back to the hovel.

Bae, who knew of the deal that Pan offered Rumple, is infuriated. He storms out, mad that his father didn't even give him a chance to say 'yes' as he didn't trust him to. (')Baelfire falls through the portal.

(')Baelfire is playing in the village when a donkey cart hits him and he scrapes his knee, he apologizes to the driver who yells at him until he realizes that he is the son of the dark one and frantically apologizes. Walks out to see this and is ready to forgive the donkey cart driver up until he sees Bae's small cut, he then turns the apologetic man into a snail before stepping on him. Baelfire is very unhappy with this and refuses to allow his father to use magic to heal him, he then goes on to make a deal with his father, stating that if Bae finds a safe way to remove Rumple's powers, he will do it.

The next day, Bae talks to about his troubles and she suggests that he talk to, a powerful being that can grant wishes, Baelfire later summons Reul to discover that she is the Blue Fairy, she hears his wish and gives him a magic bean that will take him to a new land with his father, a land without magic where the Dark One will be stripped of his powers. Baelfire, excited about this, tells his father of the bean, but he is unsure. Bae asks him if he's backing out of the deal, but Rumple refuses to. The two of them trek out into the forest and Bae throws the bean on the ground, opening a portal. He begins to jump down it but his father stops him, clinging on, too scared to go through. At this refusal, Baelfire calls his father a coward before falling down the portal without him.

Rumple is dreadfully sorry and decides that he will one day make a to make it to Bae's new land, assuring himself that he will get his son back. (')Bae ends up on the streets of. (')Bae falls through the portal and into a land without magic, arriving in 19th century.

He spends six months roaming the streets until one day he sees a rich family leave their window open and he climbs through the steal some bread. He is caught by a member of the family, who allows Bae to have as much as he wants, feeling sorry for him. She then keeps him up in her bedroom and sneaks him food for a while until eventually her parents find out. They are initially upset to have had this secret kept from them but they allow Baelfire to stay with them in their house, refusing to send him back on the streets or to a work house. Wendy is very happy about this and tells Bae of the shadow that comes to their window at night and shows her and her brothers magic, however, upon hearing of this, Bae tells Wendy not to interact with the shadow ever again, professing that magic is dangerous and destroyed his family. Later, the shadow arrives at the window and takes Wendy to, Bae tries to warn her against it but she seems too overjoyed with the idea, and flies away with the shadow.

The next morning, Wendy returns, much to Bae's delight, but she seems less than happy, explaining that he was right and that magic is evil. She further explains that the shadow rejected her from Neverland as it wants a boy, but Bae assures her that it will not get one. They put the house on lockdown that night but the shadow gets inside with ease. He tries to go after Wendy's youngest brother but Baelfire refuses to let it, and so he goes with the shadow himself, after thanking Wendy for allowing him to be part of her family.

Bae is flown over London city until Neverland is in view, but Bae scares the shadow with fire and is dropped into the ocean. When there, he is picked up by a pirate ship and introduced to the captain on board -. (')Baelfire rejects. (')Baelfire is taken under the decks where he retains a certain hostility towards pirates as voiced when comes down to talk to him.

Bae says that a pirate killed his, but Hook reminds him that one also saved his life. He wonders the boy's name, and Baelfire gives it, causing Hook to realize that he's the son of Milah - his true love - and - his sworn enemy. Hook knows that the are looking for Bae but, out of love for his mother, refuses to hand him over. When they search his ship, Baelfire hides up in the ceiling and remains not found, happy to learn that Hook cares for someone else other than himself. As Bae spends more time on the waters, Hook teaches him how to sail and they bond over the bad relationships they share with their fathers. It is not long before Bae discovers a picture of his mother on Hook's desk and pulls a sword on the pirate for believing him to be the one to have killed his mother.


Hook explains that he was in fact in love with the Milah and that he and her had planned to come back for Bae and take him out to sea with them when he was old enough. His mother was guilty for years from abandoning her son, but his father had now killed her. He sees Bae washing up on the ship as fate telling him to make good on those deals. Heartbroken both his parents betrayed him, Bae rejects Hook and asks to be dropped off on land. However, Hook reveals that Bae has reminded him what he's all about: killing his father.

Baelfire is then kidnapped by the Lost Boys who Hook sold him out to and taken to the main island. When he is found not to be the boy that is looking for, Bae is put with the rest of 'the others'. Little did Baelfire know, the boy they were looking for was. (') After spending time as one of, Bae seeks out a home of his own by taking up residence on one of the island's caves.

First Name Sebastian

(') After the Curse Early Life. You love her, good.

That means you have to do right by her.Baelfire becomes Neal Cassidy, a wanted man. (')Eventually, Baelfire is able to trap the in a coconut and use it to fly away from, back to the. However, he soon resorts to stealing for a living, changing his name to Neal Cassidy, after getting a job as janitor. He ends up robbing a collection of expensive watches from a store with a drunk security guard, but he is captured on footage and is forced to hide them in the locker of a train station, being a wanted man from then on. Eventually, he steals a yellow '69 VW bug, which becomes his main mode of transport. ('/'/')Neal meets.

('), at age 17, steals her famed yellow car, not realizing that there was a man sleeping in the back seat. The man, who introduces himself as Neal Cassidy, flirts with her, seemingly not minding the fact that she stole the car at all, and when she fails to pay attention to the road, they are stopped by a. Neal quickly tells her to remove the screwdriver from the ignition, which is how she managed to drive away in it, and puts the keys to the car in its stead to avoid suspicion. He then tells the cop that Emma is his girlfriend and he was just teaching her how to drive, making a sexist comment about women drivers which convinces the cop to let them go with a warning. When Neal expresses relief, Emma realizes that the car she's stolen had already been stolen by Neal, meaning he too is a thief. (')Neal tells his story.

(')That night, Neal offers to take out and teaches her how to p.

Living by the SeaDetailsWritten by Super UserPublished: 17 December 2013Created: 17 December 2013Last Updated: 07 April 2014The peaceful, scenic Bethany Beach and Fenwick Island, North Bethany and South Bethany beaches and the small surrounding towns located just minutes to these beaches, offer you the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy in what we call Delaware's 'Quiet Resorts.' Whether your choice of Bethany Beach real estate is oceanfront or one of the small 'inland' towns, any homeowner will enjoy our pristine, protected shoreline and bays. Spend the day crabbing, fishing, clamming, and boating, or just relax and take in one of our amazing sunsets.A lifelong Delaware resident with over 20 years of real estate experience, Kim Simpler Hook specializes in helping people find their dream homes in Delaware's pristine and scenic 'Quiet Resort' areas. If you can't relax here. You can't relax. The data relating to real estate for sale on this website appears in part through the BRIGHT Internet Data Exchange program, a voluntary cooperative exchange of property listing data between licensed real estate brokerage firms in which participates, and is provided by BRIGHT through a licensing agreement. The materials contained within this page may not be reproduced without the express written consent of this broker.

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