Fallout 4 Combine Esp Average ratng: 3,7/5 3909 votes

STEP 4 - Now, click on the FILE HEADER underneath the ESP you added new edits to (in this case my Slave.ESP) and on the right side of the screen you will see MASTER FILES. Go to the Master File sub category (see where my mouse is) and delete the added Master File (either right+click remove or DELETE button).

Hey there everyone. As you all probably know, I'm pretty much a greenhorn when it comes to the whole modding and programming community.so I'm hoping someone can give me a little direction or help. I made all of the 'Clean & Smooth Settlements' for the PC and consoles, and my #1 request is.please put them together into one big mod!!

I'd love to.but, I can't figure out how to do so. Here's what I've done so far to give you an idea.1.

Fallout 4 Nexus Ps4


I started off thinking (and never previously trying) that I could just load all of my C&S mods into Creation Kit, save a new file, and then.voila! Well nope, I can only have one ESP file active at one time. I thought I got it to work, even had all my edits show up correctly into the Creation Kit, but once I saved my game file.I could only see the work of the last 'active file' box I checked in the game. Disappointing indeed.2. Next, I checked out a few ideas online and almost all of them directed me to using the FO4edit program.

I downloaded it and tried it out. I didn't have the darnedest clue what I was looking at or how to work things. I got the basics figured out from some YouTube videos online, so I combined everything the best I knew how. I saved the new ESP, loaded the game, then it crashed immediately.

LOL - So,I next decided to open the work in Creation Kit to check things out, things looked just fine, so I saved it once more in the CK and loaded the game just fine. Once I loaded the game, all of my custom added items and pieces were gone.so stuff was missing everywhere. On the plus side, everything loaded just fine without any load order issues like downloading them separately.

So, I closed the game and went back to CK to have a look, and my file was so completely messed up. All of the NavMesh was no longer finalized, I had over 42,000 error warnings, and I wanted to pull my hair out!!If anyone can help me out, give me some tutorials, or wants to work with me on FO4edit so I can get this working, I'd be forever grateful!! So would all of my users, too.so please, message me or leave some responses on my post here. Thanks again for all the support everyone, and have a great evening!! Yeah, sorry man, there is no easy way to do what you are trying to do. Especially considering the edits you've made (I've seen them using FO4Edit in the past when asked by Willy to look into them, or when others said it was conflicting with STS).You were on the right track with FO4Edit, however, it's not going to be a quick or easy task by any means.

When you copy those changes into a new file in FO4Edit, you are normally prompted to add the existing file as a master, after which if you remove it, many things become unlinked within the mod itself.The only surefire way (that I've found) is not to make a merged mod via FO4Edit, but rather, select everything in each mod and copy as a new record into the new file for the AIO, then you'd remove the other versions of C&S from being masters. After this you'd want to check the AIO you made for errors (you will have a ton of them) and manually fix them one at a time via either the CK or FO4Edit. Ugh.I was afraid of this answer. I didn't even think I did all that much honestly.just a few deletions and land fluffing. Okay, so I guess a few got really detailed.but still.I wanted to make everything perfect. IDK why things on the game mess up when I made careful attention not to delete anything important.I probably sound like a moron.but I don't even know what AIO is, or even how to use the FO4edit program properly. I just wish I would have known about this to begin with way back in the beginning, then I would have just made all the work into one mod.

I feel like I've wasted an entire year now. Next, I checked out a few ideas online and almost all of them directed me to using the FO4edit program. I downloaded it and tried it out. I didn't have the darnedest clue what I was looking at or how to work things.

I got the basics figured out from some YouTube videos online, so I combined everything the best I knew how. I saved the new ESP, loaded the game, then it crashed immediately. LOL - So,I next decided to open the work in Creation Kit to check things out, things looked just fine, so I saved it once more in the CK and loaded the game just fine. Once I loaded the game, all of my custom added items and pieces were gone.so stuff was missing everywhere. On the plus side, everything loaded just fine without any load order issues like downloading them separately. So, I closed the game and went back to CK to have a look, and my file was so completely messed up.

All of the NavMesh was no longer finalized, I had over 42,000 error warnings, and I wanted to pull my hair out!!You have to use separate merger plugin/code for this. Then you load all mods you want to merge, fix their conflicting records or referrals to archives and external files, and then merge plugins. However the work needed depends on kind of mods you are trying to merge. You can always start practicing with simple mods that do not have archives or assets tied to them and do not have immediate conflicts. 1 680 210 141 form.

I wouldn't call the process complex, but it has some learning curve and you must do some manual labor and pay attention to small details.Now there is CK method too, but it is more labor intensive. I used to merge mods with CK, but its like poking spoon in the eye compared to swiftness and simplicity of FO4edit.And taking mod A and B, it is easier to copy them into whole new mod and make C. That made my head hurt trying to figure that out. LOL - Apparently I'm a terrible computer programming guy. I wish I knew what to think or do to put them together, but I have zero experience in stuff like this.

Maybe I'll just go back and redo them using the new things I've learned while working with the program the last year.but this time keeping them all in the same file. I've noticed while playing around, I did accidentally delete important information in some of the maps when I didn't mean to. I thought they were just REF links when boxes were sitting on one another so they'd fall down, but some of them were not.

Oh well.IDK what I'm gonna do. I suppose I'll just figure it out as I go again. Thank you for the help, though. Said: - That made my head hurt trying to figure that out. LOL - Apparently I'm a terrible computer programming guy.

I wish I knew what to think or do to put them together, but I have zero experience in stuff like this. Maybe I'll just go back and redo them using the new things I've learned while working with the program the last year.but this time keeping them all in the same file. I've noticed while playing around, I did accidentally delete important information in some of the maps when I didn't mean to. I thought they were just REF links when boxes were sitting on one another so they'd fall down, but some of them were not. Oh well.IDK what I'm gonna do.

I suppose I'll just figure it out as I go again. Thank you for the help, though.Do not sell yourself short. It may sound overly complex, but try to split everything into steps, try with small things. And one way to 'not have 0 experience' is by start getting some. Oh and don't worry about messing things up.

We all mess things up, heck Bethesda themselves mess things up. That's part of fun - the journey of learning and discovering. We master new things, we return to old stuff and rework old stuff or build brand new. I am clueless myself, but more I try, further I getBut good luck on figuring things out and remember always with a smile - always have fun! Thank you for the words of encouragement.

I've been playing around with it and learning how to use the program a little bit more. The perfectionist in me has been going back and looking at the original files and all the things I accidentally deleted in my inexperience when I first started.

They may be small, but they could totally be fudging up the game for some folks.I tried all of my mods out, together on the XBOX One finally the other night. I followed the story as usual, and once I rescued Preston Garvey and his crew from the Museum of History, they started walking down the road like they always do.but when they got to the part where Mr. Deathclaw pops out of the sewer grate, they got into line military style and just froze. They wouldn't continue onto Sanctuary Hills or Red Rocket or anything. The only way I actually got them there was to travel far away where the game unloaded those cells, then traveled back to Sanctuary. I guess the game just automatically bumped them back home after the unload happened.

It's frustrating, but I have no idea why that would have happened.I think I've decided just to go back and rework all the maps as one big mod in the CK. There are so many things I'd like to do differently now that I know more, and if there are any bugs, it might keep me from having to go back and edit multiple files. I have made extra sure to delete only things that have nothing attached to them. I've found strange items in Sanctuary Hills alone that I know I deleted before, yet have links to quests that I probably screwed up entirely. For example.a bush along the workshop border had some quest link to a Minutemen mission. The fireplace in the PlayerHouse had a quest link from an ArcJet mission, and so on.

I just dragged those down below ground so they wouldn't be in the way of building, yet still in the game so the quests can hopefully still progress. The only think I've deleted were simple things that had REFs attached to them.like, how boxes and crates would disappear or fall down if you deleted the one under the top one. Hope that makes sense anyway!Thanks for the advice and help again.hopefully everyone will like my newer works as much as the older ones. Maybe this time I can work in the changes people asked about before that weren't quite possible for me to do.either from inexperience or DERP moments. Open 1 mod in C.K.this next part is hard but it will teach and allow you to manually undue any found conflicts.Search all the content the mod adds - understanding the kit and what the mod does will help you find everything. use the search bar and don't forget to check every window.You'll notice that everything from the mod that is new has a.

beside it.find them all, write them down.open the CK again, this time loading the same mod with the mod you want to merge it with being active. The active mod will have.' s but the non-active one wont.you'll have to re-find each one and re-save it, so it has a star beside it again. Said: - Thank you for the words of encouragement. I've been playing around with it and learning how to use the program a little bit more.

The perfectionist in me has been going back and looking at the original files and all the things I accidentally deleted in my inexperience when I first started. They may be small, but they could totally be fudging up the game for some folks.I tried all of my mods out, together on the XBOX One finally the other night. I followed the story as usual, and once I rescued Preston Garvey and his crew from the Museum of History, they started walking down the road like they always do.but when they got to the part where Mr. Deathclaw pops out of the sewer grate, they got into line military style and just froze. They wouldn't continue onto Sanctuary Hills or Red Rocket or anything. The only way I actually got them there was to travel far away where the game unloaded those cells, then traveled back to Sanctuary. I guess the game just automatically bumped them back home after the unload happened.

It's frustrating, but I have no idea why that would have happened.I think I've decided just to go back and rework all the maps as one big mod in the CK. There are so many things I'd like to do differently now that I know more, and if there are any bugs, it might keep me from having to go back and edit multiple files. I have made extra sure to delete only things that have nothing attached to them. I've found strange items in Sanctuary Hills alone that I know I deleted before, yet have links to quests that I probably screwed up entirely.

For example.a bush along the workshop border had some quest link to a Minutemen mission. The fireplace in the PlayerHouse had a quest link from an ArcJet mission, and so on. I just dragged those down below ground so they wouldn't be in the way of building, yet still in the game so the quests can hopefully still progress.

The only think I've deleted were simple things that had REFs attached to them.like, how boxes and crates would disappear or fall down if you deleted the one under the top one. Hope that makes sense anyway!Thanks for the advice and help again.hopefully everyone will like my newer works as much as the older ones. Maybe this time I can work in the changes people asked about before that weren't quite possible for me to do.either from inexperience or DERP moments. LOL -i really love your c & s mods and i just read u were planning on making one mod with all settlements.

Just wondering if u ever got the chance o make it?? I play on ps4. I will be willing to be a mod tester if need be for any ps4 mods u want to come out with in the future.snip. Thanks for all ur hard work and i hope to see more mods from u in the futureWe have edited out personal information. For the sake of your own identity protection and personal privacy, we ask that you please do not share any personal information in the Bethesda.Net forums.

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