How To Play Lux Support Average ratng: 3,5/5 6620 votes

LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Lux when played Support. Statistics include Lux's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. Counters include who Lux Support is Strong or Weak Against. Can you use a character like Lux at bottom lane as ADC? Comment below. Especially without support. Lux' utility also allows her to take care of her own a little better, so she won't really need a support (and she doesn't like to share her experience anyways) that much. She's not an AD carry. If you want to play lux as a carry.

Patch Notes: Patch 9.13 Champion Spotlight: Qiyana Welcome!is a League of Legends subreddit dedicated to helping others learn and improve. Rank flairClick to register your self-updating rank flair. The site may be slow to work, or may be down occasionally. If so, try again later. You can argue Zyra is better for a few reasons.Her ult is an incredible CC.She gets free stats. (CDR).Consistent CC (bind through minions).Higher/Consistent Damage output.Lower DifficultyI personally say that Lux's advantages level the playing field.Utility of E (Massive slow field that reveals FOW).Barrier for two people every.

Zyra lacks damage mid and lux's shield while good is unreliable because it's a skill shot. Lux's ult without ap is kindof meh. With ap it's insane. Zyras ult is game changing if landed properly in a team fight with or without ap. There may be comparisons where lux is better support in lane (i don't really buy it) but after laning zyra is by far much better pick for support when you don't have income. Lux just clearly does more damage while still having some utility.

I would like to announce that Lux is a terrible support. 90% of these players feed in lane, and have no damage later on If you get autofilled or would just like to play a more carry oriented support. Play Veigar with the broken stun, or Velkoz, hell i'd even take Xerath.

Zyra is all utility with minimal damage. Alright so a couple of things. One, Zyra's damage is insane if played correctly, and she can be extremely consistent as her skill shots have quick projectile speeds. This is for mid or bot. In mid however, she's just extremely safe as she can farm from a distance, has easy waveclear, can side jungle (even now), is hard to gank, and has huge burst (higher than Lux by a long shot.).Lux is safer against kill lanes.

Lux provides much more utility than Zyra pre-six and still offers slightly more utility post-six. People just don't seem to use her E correctly.

It's an incredibly easy skill shot that just acts as a zoning field, which means it has a ton of uses. Nevermind it gives sight, and it's range is huge. Zyra has higher mana costs and comparable CD's to Lux. Zyra is much better for most (Looking at you Ashe/Lux) all-in bot lane comps however, as her burst is much higher (if played correctly). Lux allows for more consistent harassment as the CD on Zyra seeds is pretty large, and if you max seeds you lose damage (Still better option IMO).

Also the base numbers on Lux's ult aren't bad even without AP (similar or higher base damage than most ults.). Also Zyra can give up a lot of damage to use seeds in a utility fashion (pseudowards, but I would argue the damage is more important as the base numbers are strong for plants/ult.As for out of laning, Lux still can play a solid role in teamfights. She is better in poke comps and protect the carry comps.

By mid game her shield gives more effective HP than the damage from Zyra's ult, and will be up in. NEVER MAX E FIRST. IT'S TERRIBLEThe base numbers and the scaling on her w are both MUCH greater than E. You are NOT the damage dealer as a support.

The shield let's your damage damage! (shocker.) Nevermind leveling shield reduces the CD, which is incredibly strong. Q's base numbers and scaling is also better than E, and you should only be trying to kill/push one person out of lane (no need for AOE). Q's CD also scales with level.

E's CD doesn't scale with leveling, but the mana costs do. E's base damage is fairly lack luster.

You should not be building early AP (early philo/sightstone). All of this points to maxing E last and using it for utility. It makes it so your mana costs are extremely manageable, and you can still spam E to check for lane ganks/unwarded bushes/etc or as a CC zoning field for ganks/retreats/all-ins. Due to the changes months ago, the CD of E is based when it's first cast, not when it's popped.

Just leave it up as CC. The support is the one harassing, your ADC only goes in once they feel a kill is possible. Your E is much more reliable, and afaik your Q snare doesn't scale like Morgana's Q. Also, it's much easier to harass them under turret making E even better as it covers more area and easier to hit. Shielding your ADC is good and all if you're being passive like I said, if you are sure go for it and max Q next if you feel, however if you want to be on the offensive you max E because even if W is more beneficial overall by the teamfighting phase it should still be maxed very quickly anyway, so then you have all the lane presence you get from E then when it matters your W will be maxed also. One more thing, E is much better for zoning as it's a duration spell where if you miss Q, or do land it and your ADC isn't ready the effect is lost for the most part. And, your point that you can still use E to zone even if you don't max it only works a little bit as once they figure out it does no damage they'll just take note it's on CD and factor that into their engagement equation(calculations on whether or not to engage on you, similar to when Blitzs use Q and miss).

I feel like you didn't actually look at my points and you're not quite sure how bot lane works. A couple of points to note. Even if you max e, you can't out-poke any combo with sustain. The base numbers just aren't that high. The ADC should be harassing as much as possible in between cs'ing.


DoubleLift even goes as far to say it's more important than CSing. Maxing shield just makes those exchanges extremely profitable and allows you to push your opponent out of lane or zone them. The zoning component of E is ENTIRELY through it's slow which barely scales in leveling, while it's mana costs do.

The slow let's you easily escape ganks, line up skillshots, etc etc etc.There are nearly endless more reasons why maxing E is bad. However the ones mentioned here are more than enough to provide a logical watertight argument against it. Literally the only excuse to max E is if you have no faith in landing skillshots (including w) and they have no sustain. In which case you shouldn't be Lux to begin with.

I looked at them all and am quite knowledgeable about bot lane from a support perspective. You aren't maxing E against a sustain combo, I don't know anyone that tries to harass a sustain combo with none of your own. That's where you would max W first.It's all situational, however my main point is the majority of the time it's the support doing a major harassing.

Why play support?Supporting is an extremely fun role that allows you to obtain the mindset of aiding your team. If you struggle with being a team player, playing a few support games can really enlighten you on how important supporting your team is. Often people believe that supports can not make a difference in a game but this is far from the truth. Supports control ward coverage and can buy early oracles to clear wards. Also, supports control bot lane and vision on dragon.

Dragon gives the team a global 190 gold that can sway the odds of the game in your favor. Can I carry as support?The answer to the question is absolutely. Most people that play supports get discouraged when their team feeds and they lose a game and they instantly think 'Supports suck. I can't carry with support.' I encourage you to step away from this ignorance and take a look at this logically.

There is no way to get around feeders. It is just part of the game. Although you can't get around the feeders, playing a good support provides you an extremely good advantage that will cause you to win more games than lose. This, in turn, will raise elo. Pretty good deal right?. Always ward the river. As a support player, it is your job to always have the river warded when your lane is exposed.

I say when your lane is exposed because if your lane is being pushed there is no threat of a river gank. This means dragon should be warded buy tri-bush can go without a ward. You will want to conserve your ward so you can use it latter in the game. Counter dragon wards with pink wards. Pink wards allow vision and the ability to kill enemy wards. This will not only give your team control over dragon, but it will also blind them to ganks by your jungler. If the enemy goes back and buys a pink ward to kill yours, go back.

How To Play Lux Mid

Never lose control of dragon. Ward the enemy wraith camp at the start of the game. This lets you know where the jungler is so you can either go aggressive or fall back and know when a gank is coming. This helps everyone on your team and can really be helpful in setting up and preventing kills.

Do not take free damage in lane. Keep an eye on your positioning and make sure you are never in a position to take damage. You always want to trade damage and never want to get hit without responding.

Buy an early oracles to counter enemy wards. An early oracles will give your team a huge advantage.

Killing enemy wards basically is like breaking their legs. They will be crippled for the rest of the game.

Stack gold per 5 items. Since you won't be taking the minion kills in lane, you will need a source of income. This is why you need to buy gold per five items. Try to get these items as soon as possible. Also, set up your runes and masteries to get you gold per five as well. This will help you buy more wards an support items to help your team.

Lux support build s9

Run defensive runes and masteries to help your durability in lane. Even on the more squishy support champions like Janna and Soraka, you still want to run armor runes and masteries.

How To Play Lux Support

This will prevent you from dying and feeding the enemy. Remember, good support players never die. We are the immortals!. Only trade with ranged carry. Try to avoid going commando on the enemies in bottom lane. Watch and protect your ad like a guardian.

Engage when he does and make sure he does not die. Don't last hit unless your ad is at base! This is elementary support, but just in case you do not know, never take minion kills. The meta is designed so that the ad carries can get as much gold as possible so they can do tons of damage late game.

If you take cs from your carry bot lane you will surely lose. Time abilities, wards, and neutral monsters.

Timing the cool downs in League of Legends can give you a huge advantage and not many people do it. It really makes a difference and can really carry games. They die too much. For the most part, supports tend to be extremely squishy. This makes them targets and easy to die.

Be better than noobs. Do not feed and win games. If you have trouble dying a lot as supports, play tank-like supports like Taric, Alistar, and Leona. They rage at their team. I have covered this before in my other guides. Raging loses games. The guy who never plays support and always thinks he loses when he plays support is probably the same guy who is yelling at his ad carry every time he misses a last hit.

Raging at his team every time they die. You are their to support your team not cut them down. Win games!. They do not ward enough. Many games can be lost because there wasn't good vision. Vision leads to map control and map control leads to wins.

Never underestimate the importance of wards and always try to have a few in your inventory. A common question with newer supports is if they should go after the enemy carries or the should stay back and protect their carry. The answer is almost always protect your carry. If you do not protect your carries then they will die rather easily and it will put your team at an extreme disadvantage.

Supporting revolves more around making your carry strong then trying to shut their carry down. Think of your ad carry as you would a baby. They are very delicate and you have to protect them from anything that could hurt them. Use your exhaust on the champion going after your carry so he can stay alive. Hm it was updated this year but. There are points that are not suited for this season.

Because some of the stuff despriced doesnt exist anymore.Example: There is no oracles anymore. Only the red trinked and you dont get it as early as possible, you get it the moment you can ward with your support item.andthere are no golditems outside of the 3 Support items (1 tank, 1 ap, 1 sustain).

You have to buy the golditem suited to your champion.Maybe have a link to It would help people deside what support item to buy on the champion they want to play.You prop should mention that your golditem counts the amount of gold you get from useing it, and when it hits 500gold its 'upgrates' automaticly into a mix of the supportitem and a sightstone. Which means you use it to ward.

So basicly you want to get the most out of your support item and try to hit the 500 at 11minutes, so you can switch your yellow trinked for the red one.Im sorry if the comment was so long xD im just very passionate about the support role and want more people to play it properly. I am a Dia4 main support atm so i think you can trust my statement on these points too. A support I find very fun to use is thresh, because your enemies tend to not want to (don't know how) poke you considering your ability to drag them to their demise. It's also amazing how many people don't get that thresh is stronger when the enemy is out of position, because a hook will land on a minion if they're using them properly. Not only that, but I throw intentionally missed hooks out in the direction of the enemy ad, not to waste mana, but to give them a scare, because they always run back when I play, never forward knowing my main disable is gone for a bit. He's great for in your face supports at lower elo's considering the enemy is either out of position or really scared by his presence.

I also main support and can't fathom why people dislike it so much. I find support and jungle to be the easiest roles to carry solo queue in, because I can ensure that people get fed. As support, I can basically choose whether or not my AD carry is farmed enough to kill people late game.

I think the most important thing to note is that bot lane has two equally important champions, not one champion and a heal bot. Too many people just sit in the bushes doing nothing while the AD carries passively last hit minions.

The trick is to do things, as a support. Playing Alistar? Heal a minion just before it dies so that the enemy AD doesn't get the CS. Playing Soraka? Auto-attack the enemy team. So what if their AD hits you three times; maybe he missed CS because he stopped to attack you, and you'll get the health back with Wish, but that CS is gone forever. There are innumerable little things you can do to get ahead in bot lane; you just have to find them.

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