Modern Warfare 2 Private Server Average ratng: 4,8/5 6500 votes

To make matters worse for the dedi server faithful, Bowling stated that he didn't know about the status (or even possibility) of mod support for the PC version of Modern Warfare 2, or if mods could be hosted by (which would make sense). The game is heading for release on 10th November. Jul 1, 2017 - Are there any dedicated/modded servers for this game?

Dedicated servers with lobbies; No matchmaking, but dedicated and (Local LAN). Copy your Modern Warfare 2 game files to a new folder.

As we all know by now Infinity Ward decided against dedicated servers, meaning players could not create their own private place for playing with clan/friends or host private dedicated servers. The matchmaking runs on a peer to peer hosting system (Yes this means lag/high ping/Disconnects). The news was not greeted kindly by the PC Gaming Community and was a devastating blow to the pirate community.I feel Infinity Ward are right to make their game as less pirate friendly as possible but not at the expense of the paying customer who pay their wages, Always support software/games developersThis page is to explain in easy steps how to play Co-op Special Ops (two player scenario missions) privately over LAN (Local Area Network) or with a friend over the internet. Things you will need:.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Co-op Files: (all files needed in one package including the Teknogods Loader). Tunngle, found here:What To Do Next:. Download and install Tunngle. It will ask to reboot your PC after installation so reboot your PC. Start Tunngle, and create an account.

Click on browser on the bottom left of the program to choose the type of game you want to play. Choose ‘Shooter’, and then choose MW2 from the list. Open your Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 directory. Unrar the coop.rar file downloaded from the link above, open the folder named 'coop' and copy and paste the contents into your Call Of Duty Modern Warfare folder clicking 'replace' when asked. Start TCSB.exe and hit refresh. You will now be able to see the servers hosted by other players in the Tunngle MW2 channel, simply hit 'join' to join a host. If you are alone or if you want to play with your friend, host a server and tell your friend to join that.

(You must be in the tunngle MW2 lobby for TCSB to find hosts). If you joined a host: after the game has loaded, On the main screen before you choose any game mode hit F12 to join the current hosts game.

If you host a game: simply set up the game in two player special ops mode and wait for someone to join your game.NEW GUIDE BELOW. Yes I tested this method a lot. I have had many game sessions that lasted hours with no lag and no problems.The only thing that let me down from time to time was Tunngle, don't get me wrong It's a good program, However it is still in beta testing and the server can go down sometimes for short periods of time. Possible Dedicated Server Mod In The Future?Yes I'm 100% sure there will be private dedicated servers in the near future. There are many people working on making one currently, The PC Gaming Community is screaming out for one.I will make another tutorial on how to use these dedicated servers when the information is available, so check back often. So What Are You Waiting For?Get fragging!

And I'l see you in the Tunngle lobby!Happy Gamingps. If any links expire comment and I'l upload/create new ones.

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