Install Asterisk Dsm 6 Average ratng: 3,9/5 3412 votes

Performance expectationsThe slug's IXP420 should have enough horse power for a home PBX with up to 4 lines, when less CPU intensive codecs (like GSM, G711u, G711a or G726) are used.The CPU intensive codecs (iLBC, G729, Speex) are not working, but it should be possible to rewrite them using the DSP extended instruction set supported by the IXP4xx. The Intel(R) IXP4XX DSP Software Library contains efficient implementations of all codecs including G729 and other VoIP goodies, but it looks that it cannot be used by asterisk. /opt/sbin/asterisk -ron the same computer on which Asterisk is running.


Yum install gcc gcc-c lynx bison mysql-devel mysql-server php php-mysql php-pear php-mbstring tftp-server httpd make ncurses-devel libtermcap-devel sendmail sendmail-cf caching-nameserver sox newt-devel libxml2-devel libtiff-devel audiofile-devel gtk2-devel subversion kernel-devel git subversion kernel-devel php-process crontabs cronie cronie-anacron wget vim php-xml uuid-devel libtool. Anyone out there who can help how to add FreePBX to Synology’s Asterisk package (with 44.000 downloads of Diskstation users!!!) or install FreePBX+Asterisk together on the Diskstation? FreePBX is so much easier to configure, even though I believe the GUI could be cleaned up a bit - this are partially still very confusing.

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More than one console CLI can connect to Asterisk simultaneously.You can list all the available CLI commands by entering 'help', or get information on a particular command by entering 'help '.To start asterisk at boot time, create a script whose name starts with Snumbernumber in /opt/etc/init.d/ that executes asterisk:/opt/etc/init.d # cat S99asterisk#!/bin/shif -f /opt/var/run/ ; thenkill `cat /opt/var/run/`elsekillall asteriskfirm -f /opt/var/run/asterisk.pidumask 077/opt/sbin/asterisk. How to configure music on holdPlaying MP3 on the slug will not work. How to configure the voicemail system to send messages by emailI was not able to make Asterisk to work with the email client that came with the Linksys firmware (the voicemail message showed up appended to the text, instead of being attached as.wav file). Call your favorite IM client from asteriskHere is an example of how to setup asterisk to be able to call yahoo buddies:. define the following peer in sip.confyahoo-proxy-outtype=peerhost=yahoo.comoutboundproxy=yahoo.gtalk2voip.comfromuser=YourYahooIDfromdomain=yahoo.comnat=yescanreinvite=nodisallow=allallow=ulawallow=gsmdtmfmode=rfc2833. create an extension for every yahoo ID you want to be able to call in your extensions.conf:exten = ExtensionForYahooBuddy,1,Dial(SIP/YahooBuddyID@yahoo-proxy-out,120,T).

Asterisk and FreePBXFor (Pogoplug V1, V2, Pro, Biz, Seagate Dockstar, Goflex) the instructions previously, actually, work pretty well.There may be some step I forgot but there was always a work around (e.g. Let ln -s be your friend), check permissionsDon't do this unless you feel like thrashing a system and spending a lot of time. I can only give the highlights. I may have missed some steps. But Plug Computers definitely can run Asterisk and FreePBX using Optware, my setup has been rock solid for 3 months straight.The setup I was able to try involved Asterisk 1.6, FreePBX 2.8, using LighttpdMake sure that you have a fair sized drive, I use a minimum of a 4 Gb USB flash.Basically, follow the instructions previously and is a summary from that article:Install lighttpd with PHP andModules: php, phpmyadmin, php-fcgi, php-pear, php-mysql, fcgi, mysql.Two things about the php package in Optware:1.

You will get errors if you do not initialize pear 'pear install DB'. Make sure to place '/opt/share/pear' in your php.ini includepath.Note: I get the question that when you run info.php, you get pear not installed. That's ok just as long as you downloaded pear-php.2.

I found a way arround. The package is not supported by Synology, there is no way how to install using Package Manager.However it is available as Linux ipkg package.There is not default installer for ipkg in Synology, but it does exists as a community package.I have no time now to post step by step guid right now, I made it as try and error, but finally it does not took me even two hours to make asterisk working again.Backup asterisk configuration files (for me at least sip.conf, extensions.conf and user.conf).Go to package manager - settings - package sources. Add new source '.

This is a community package server.After doing this goes to package manager - community packages (refresh if nothing there)Install Easy Bootstrap Installer (I put just next on all Windows) and iPKGui.Uninstall Asterisk and go through the DSM update to version 6.0.After all updates are gone (all packages are actual) open iPKGui from the synology main menu.In available packages you will find Asterisk 13.0 and Asterisk GUI. Install those (mark and apply, including all prerequisities).You will linux scripts running.I was not able to make running GUI, I do not even now how to run/reaload/configure the asterisk itsefl, you will not find it for sure in any Synology menu.But the whole asterisk is saved in location Volume1@optwareetcasterisk. So I just copied the backped configuration files here. Wow, it is working. OK, maybe I made some reboot between to be sure.

All IPKG packages installed from community are stored in optware, instead of common synology file structure.To copy configuration files back to asterisk, you will be required to have root access.For every step of this quick guide you will find some help on google. If you stuck somewhere, I will try to help.Please do not ask me about any impacts on security. I will start investigating now, what I have in fact done. Also do not conplain about any troubles you made yourself doing this.Please share with us your comments, tips, experience. Asterisk GUI (management webpage) is working as well.You just need to enable/configure in management.conf and http.confHere you will find how to do that:No other setup options/lines are necessary for basic functionality, but maybe you want to setup more.I forgot to mention that I tested all of this on DS215jEasy Bootstrap Installer might not be functional for all devices (depends on the CPU), but what I found, it should show you, if your device is supported or not.There are also other ways how to install ipk packages and bootstrap, directly with Linux commands.

For somebody it could be better, more clear solution. Ericlmccormick wrote:Even when I am sitting in /volume1/@optware/sbin and I see asterisk there, when I just type in asterisk, I get the message '-sh: asterisk: command not found'I suppose you are using WinSCP or Putty.

Do not know how the paths are set, if this is on purpose or it is some mass after the previous install, but I can control Asterisk with command in directory '/opt/sbin/' instead of '/volume1/@optware/sbin'. Both exists, just one works. I tested, it controls the installation in the optware directory correctly.When you run with -r parameter, you will get into the Asterisk CLI ('/opt/sbin/asterisk -r')Also not sure how you configured yourself, but maybe you need to run with root rights.Do you have the same there?

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